Currently feeling like Thor is beatin my head with his Hammer. So some activations and managed 30 minutes on the stepmill at a mild pace. Some Red Hot Chili Peppers Blook Sugar Sex Magik pulls me through.
Woke up feeling alright so the normal training was scheduled. Started with 15 mins stepmill and some activations, planks , bird dogs etc. Got to the bench. Normally, it is not a painless endeavor and takes a bit to warm up. I have been doing some Shieko style bench percentage work as it is not as painful and I also wanted to see how it would work on me. Warm ups went as normal and I had my numbers set. Each set was much easier then usual today. My first thought was this only happens when my weight is up-alot. I finish the reps and do a couple of singles at higher weight then I had been crying with and then moved quick and easy. So I go weight myself. Now I have been around 225 to 229 for many many weeks now. About 2 weeks ago I went with some intermittent fasting to change it up since the Arnold eating party. I step on the scale and it says 237lbs!!Fuck, well at least the bench went well. Goes to show, you know your body!
Other stuff
Pulldowns 8x6
Double swings 15, 35, 50 reps
30mins stepmill
Reverses hypers 3x12 before, 2x20 after
Swings two hand 15 reps, 35 reps , 50 reps per arm followed by lighter one arm reps
Close stance leg press worked up to 800ish for 10 then pulled 90lb off and added 2 more reps per set till I reached 20 reps