Activations and some gut BT
Long ab strap pulldowns 6x10
Wide stance leg press with pause on pins. 6x8
154lb walks around gym 3 rounds
One leg hack squat, down with both then up with one leg set of 3,4,5,6, 8 per leg. Sorta pistol squat on a hack squat.
Reverse hyper 6x12
Prowler. One lap pulling backwards with upper body strap, One regular push lap
Neutral grip pulldowns 10x10
Run the bottom of the rack dumbbell rows. Started with 55lb and worked up to 120lb
225x2 repsx 10 sets 30 sec rest per set
185x8 repsx5 sets one minute rest per set
couple of burn out sets at 25 reps per set for 4 rounds
Prowler push. Did not anticipate a PR push day but got it. 3 laps for 20:10. Only a minute besting and unexpected so win and roll on
Did absolutely zero training. Just worked on the new building to do list and some idea cramming for new products.