I am not someone who laments getting older. Graveyards are full of people who wish they could have grown older. What does suck is when training is no longer the hardest part of your fitness or strength and conditioning goals.
Training is one of my favorite things to do in the world. I love to train HARD! I mean, I really like to punish myself. My wife trains with me and she gets after it. Yet, she says watching me makes her feel like she is mailing it in.
The problem now is, I’m beat to sh!t constantly. It’s really wearing on me. I get being sore, but this is worse. Meanwhile, I do so much right as far as sleep, nutrition, massage, etc.
So what’s the hardest part now, recovering. And there’s no stones left to unturn in that department. What’s left? Tweaking my programming.
Those tweaks will not be lessening intensity. I have to find whatever balance I can between volume, exercise selection, and intensity that will allow me to train in the manner which I am accustomed to.
I refuse to go quietly into the night. Rather, I am going to finish my life sliding sideways into home plate screaming, it’s been one hell of a ride!