-Activations and 15 mins stepmill
12/3 Lower
-Reverse hyper 3x12
-SSB medium raw. Worked up to 375x2x3 sets. Few down sets practicing breathing through the reps
-KB swings 24kgx30 per arm, 28kgx60 per arm. Double swings close stance 20kgx50 reps
Reverse hyper to loosen up 1x30
12/5 Upper
-Mcgill planks and bird dogs
-Decline press. Worked on 5 sec descent, 3 sec hold, regular press up
-Dips same tempo 5 down, 3 hold for 5 rounds of 6 reps
-Dumbell one arms with same tempo for 4 rounds
-Average band push downs for same tempo for 3 rounds
-Some activatons for the upper body to finish up.
The gym shower is much hotter then the house shower and I am not the shower the night before guy so I clean up at the gym most of the time after training or cardio. My father used to take forever showers as I called them that I never understood why until a few years back. As a child I did not mind that he was forever taking a shower as it meant he was not giving us chores or work to do or he was not yelling at us, well me , most of the time for doing something bad. Up until a few years back, I still did not get the forever shower thing but as a I got older and spent way more time in a hot shower I realized it was time of reflection and thinking through things for me. I have never asked my Dad his reason but I am guessing it is sort of the same thing. I know this is alittle strange but everyone has there time and place and for some reason I can zone out after the washy washy action. Zone out is about 20 minutes usually or until the hot water is gone or I am about to be late for something.
So for first time in months, today I was able to do dips without pain. Normally I need some assistance device or do them with a box underneath me shortening the distance of the movement. Even the decline presses were not as painful as they have been. This is part of the jalopy overhaul I have been talking about over the past few training logs. I attribute this to:
1/ The activations and breathing through my diaphragm and constantly trying to focus and retrain my body to do this.
2/ Mcgill plank and bird dog work
3/ The static/isometric and forced contraction work I have been doing since I got back.
Squats and pulls I am really having to hold back on. I am not in any pain on these at all but I am working on alot of adjustments on these as well and going up too much will just f&%k them up. Additionally and this has been going on since the quad tear, the weights have never felt light like they used no matter how much I trained them over the years or how much I weighed(at 260lb for example they all felt like poop but doable) So that is the dilemma right now I am working on. The weights are doable but feel incredibly heavy and slow no matter what now. The goal with the jalopy rebuild is to figure out what to do here to bring this up without that constant rip, tear and just plain awful feeling of them both right now.
As I stood there in the hot shower, beet red on one side of my body where the water hit, I thought why don't you do it like a training cycle where you hammer you two or three weeks then on the next week instead of a lighter/deload/rep or whatever it is called now, why not do a strict week of eccentric/forced contraction work. The weights are light enough to not smash you further down and it would hit it from another angle that Christian Thibaudeau spoke of at SWIS this year. So nothing new and I am sure someone else is doing some variant right now, but it is the thought I got today. So now I will have to figure out how to make this happen and for sure this will be part of the old lady's next strength training phase when we start up again. Don't tell her, I want it to be a surprise ass whoopin'