There is more great and free training information available to us than ever before. The art to the science is figuring out how to use that information.
Here's a simple example. Cold exposure can blunt hypertrophy. It can also slow down recovery. The inflammation process we get from training is necessary.
When I was competing on a high level I was icing my shoulders, back, and elbows regularly. Now thank God I was not aware I should not be icing my joints. I mean I would have never been able to put on any appreciable muscle or bench over 600 lbs or so it would seem -- says he dripping with sarcasm.
With age I am always trying to figure out how I can train as hard as possible while still recovering. Friday night after a good session my back and shoulders were cranky. I decided to go old school and throw the ice on for half an hour. Guess what? No surprise, my shoulders and beck felt great afterwards, and more importantly, the next day.
I have probably had this epiphany half a dozen times over the years. However, it's ufortunate I have the memory of Dory in finding Nemo. Plus I like everyone else fall victim to the constant barrage of information we are inundated with daily.
Funny, when looking at the science as it pertains to me in this case, getting too beat up to train hard certainly blunts strength and hypertrophy a lot more than icing after every session.