-New pulldown tool Dale came up with. 10 sets, hands and wrists are mad
-Chest machine for standing rows 10 sets
-Standing band pulls with static hold at end 5 sets with 30 seconds
-Chest press maching for 8x8 with 30 seconds rest
-One arm band flyes with band attached to top of pit shark. Used Poliquin method rotating the wrist back and behind you. Very effective for stretch the pec tissues. 5x8 per arm
-Magic carpet sled drag 300lb for 10 minutes straight.
Wife felt sorry for me and did some activations on me. Although I stay decent on most of them doing them myself, I sorely needed the work and she worked on me for about a hour and half. Many places were sticky that I can't reach as well or just don't feel as much using tools to get at the spots. When I was done I was more relaxed and much happier. This may not seem like much but getting out of what i call the loop drastically changes my perspective and brings me back to reality. Usually in this state I can choose to accept or block anyone's energy and vibes. I think I was back to sucking on the negativity(I know I was) being fed to me. I was caught up in the swirl. It felt good to relax and I slept better then I have in awhile. Usually it was taking a couple beers, cbd gummies or phenibut to sleep solid. We started taking progesterone and in larger doses as it will put you to sleep. If you want to learn why progesterone is good , you can go to youtube and look up Ray Peat-fascinating man. Stan Efferding turned me onto this guy and his protocols are simple but yield dramatic results in performance . Ray Peat also discusses at length on many subjects and another one to listen to is his talks on thyroid. I am going to get back to a regular schedule with the weekly activations with her and getting back to my own on a more through basis.
Reverse hyper warm up 3x12
Was reading a post by Josh Bryant on Vince Gironda and forgot about his 8x8 with 30 seconds rest per set. Leg Day so why not. Used the belt squat doing 8s all the way up to the working weight. I completed them and promptly laid on the floor breathing harder then I have in awhile. Laid there for about 5 minutes till my breathing was somewhat okay and my back stopped cramping. Got up with a pool of sweat from head.
Then to loosen up, 8x8 with 30 sec rest on the reverse hyper
Swings 20kg 10 per arm with a minute rest for about 30 minutes
Activations and ab work
Used new coated cable on econo tircep lat pulley for alot of rep work.
Pulls with short ab strap10 sets
Straight arm pulldowns 10 sets
Push down short ab straps 10 sets
Monster multi presses on pulley
Bandbell bench press 50 reps, 40 reps, 25 reps x 4 sets,