I have been tapering off caffeine since the end of June, I stopped it cold turkey on Saturday. Over the whole taper period had some bad withdrawals. Surprisingly though since Monday though have felt good, not great yet but good. I want to see how I do feel without Caffeine...............thankfully as crappy as I felt in the cut back phase workouts went well, yesterday was a great one
Belt Squats---10 sets of 10, after each set in an alternating fashion did either 6 leg curls or 20 leg extensions...........this was tough BUT way easier than anticipated
Deadlifts 3 speed singles, had not done straight bar deads in a few months, I am going to put these in not really heavy just to gain groove for when I cycle them later this year. Faster than expected but felt uncoordinated
Cluster Neck--3 reps rest 10 seconds for 3 minutes
Another big one today!
Here are a couple videos of clients doing it big over the weekend!
David Isenberg has put about 300 pounds his total over the last 6 months, staying in the 181 class here hitting 1690 weighing 178. Love this dude has the mindset and the work ethic!
Dustin Ellis nailing 760 on Deadlift, we just use this meet as a training day--Dustin is relentless and watch out he i going to the top