Activations and plank/ab fallout work several sets
Pushups work off suspension straps 10x10
Dumbell press work 5x12
Tsunami bar lat work 8x10
Looper straps tricep extensions 10 per set x 8 setsx2 rounds moving up the loops each set
Looper strap rows to chest. Same as tricep extension for reps, sets, rounds
3 laps prowler
Activations and ab work
Reverse hypers 6 x12
Deadlifts 5x3 then 2x2
With my birthday coming up and the threat of breaking 230lb soon, the wife asked if I wanted to skydive. 230Lb is the absolute cut off. Came in at 230 on the button. I wanted to do this for a very long time and was looking at it a few weeks back but the day was terrible so we scheduled it for this past saturday. It turned out to be a fantastic day for it .
We pull up and I immediately think what have I gotten myself into. It is off the side of one of the airport strip in Salisbury, NC. The road dead ends and you have a gate you walk through to a very small portable buildings. The area you wait in has a deck and some opening awnings there. Then you see people waving up at the sky and talking out loud to people and you wonder how nuts they are until you see the jumpers landing from above. About that time the small prop plane lanes again and then about a 100 yard away you see the plane pull up and people waiting to load up.
There are two sets of instructors and the plane is just big enough for the pilot and 4 people sitting on the floor of the plane(no seats) . You have a small area where one of the instructors tells me to go listen to the instructions from another guide. Not alot to it really in a tandem jump. They are cracking jokes about how they always get the tall ones or heavy ones. None of them are large guys, 150s to 170s tops. About 5 minutes later the instructions are done.
There is a indian guy standing around. I ask if he is jumping and he says yes. I soon find out he will be in the plane with us. After some light chit chat about being scared , nervous , etc I ask if his wife is aware of his jump. He says no that he didn't tell her. If her told her, he says, she would not have let him jump. He plans to show her the video after he posts it! I have no idea how that went!
About then the next set of instructors come back and I meet Scott. after some minor bullshitting he realizes we are about to be up and throws me in my harness. It is about this time you realize that you are getting close, very very close to a dude you don't know. Breathe deep and stay in the moment here. Besides the touching moment, there is the slight shitting your pants that you are doing this. All I can say is deep diaphragm breathing pays off! I am only minorly jacked up.
The plane. Mentioned earlier was the lack of seating, except the pilot of course, leading to Scott saying he wanted to goi first so the other two sat behind the pilot. THere is a sign on the back of the way which bascially states the pilot does not carry liability insurance so that sort sets the tone and after the 80 zillion intials on the paperwork you get the point that this is all on you and if something happens, it is still on you. I have had 1100 and 1200 on my back before, this should be okay, right? You are sitting like you are riding a motorcycle. The instructor is behind you and you are backed up real close. I try not to lean back on him but going up basically in a constant circle there is going to be some grazing. He is talking most of the time about what is going to happen and what we are going to do. We are jumping from 10K feet. This takes most of the time going up for about the 20 mins. I look at his watch that tells how high we are. It says a 1000 and I feel alittle queasy. 9000 more to go!
At around 5k I think, I get my camera strapped on. In these moments you are overly cautious so when he says make sure it is tight, you crimp that MF like a tourniquet. But wait there is another strap to tighten, so crimp that shit too. The whole time you are suppose to hold your arm straight out when you jump so you film it right nice. Remember that theme.
On the way up I look over at the other instructor and he is fast asleep on the back of the pilots seat. I point to him and tell Scott. "OH he has narcolepsy. " What in the asssssss I think. It is funny so I take pictures. Meanwhile his guy is sitting straight up like a board. I mean straight up.
I can tell you I have been wanting to do this for along time. My first thoughts of jumping really manifested themselves with the Crue song, "Kickstart my heart" with the 2nd verse , "sky dive naked from a aeroplane " and they are jumping out of the plane. As silly as that sounds , every time I hear that lyric, I wanted to jump. So during lulls in talking and instruction there were interspersions of the guitar riff and those lyrics going through my head.
As we get closer, Scott gives me more instructions like hold my left arm straight for the camera and hold the harness tight with my right arm until he gives me the signal on the way down. About this time the pilot see me rubbing my sternum for the breathing activations. He is a crazy looking older man(sorta looks like a pirate of the caribbean who leans over and says something, laughs, then dips the plane a bit to the right to scare me. Bastard. As we approach 10k, I get the go ahead to grab the harness with my right arm. As a lifter and being nervous, I am gripping and regripping the harness to make sure I got it. I don't realize I am elbowing the shit out of the pilot until he leans over again and asks me to be careful.
So it is almost game time. I feel the rush like I am going to hit a big lift. I calm it some with breathing. I am gripping the shit out of the harness thinking it may cramp. All I can do right now is roll with it. Many things like, am I gonna just fly away if i miss the step. What if I can't get my leg back far enough to get it out the door. Scott has been strapping me while talking and getting ready. Then I hear, okay now sit on my legs. What? I thought we were close before. I get it now. No way I can mess this up or stop it from happening if I flipped out in other words. You ready? Yeah!Rock and Roll! Then the GD door is opened and the wind starts gusting . I focus only on the voice. Put your feet on the step. I grap hold and swing my legs out slowly feeling for the step. We are out of the plane and on the step now sitting on the lip of the door. I focus only on the rocking motion from Scott. One count, I think then two count maybe...
Off we go.. I see grey as we tumble. The brain is trying to figure it out but the fall is way too fast. I am screaming with adrenalin. As we fall face forward now, Scott is tapping me to let go of the strap. I got the death grip going. I let go after I think from another tap. Since it happens so quick , I am not sure but during the free fall, I spread my arms and legs and scream AHHHHHH! and then again AHHHHH! I think this might be my WAR FACE. Everything is contracting fully at this moment. Somewhere in the back of my brain I remember that you are suppose to arch the back and try to touch the instructors butt. As the second I realize this, I immediately arch but still with my arms spread wide, I scream ARRHHH! one more time. Not quite done with my WAR FACE I guess. Super primal at this moment. Scott just lets this happen. I assume each person's reaction is so different you just have to let it unfold itself.
Shortly after the last war cry has spirited the air, the chute opens and immediately the ride stops as it spreads open. We are now just cruising. I can now see the land, buildings, trees as we float.Several years back we did a hot air balloon ride where we were just easing through the air enjoying the scenery. Well this was same, except for the feet dangling like you were on a swing set. Although a cool ride down after the chute opens, it ain't about the cool ride. The landing is smooth with barely a butt scrape and bounce.
The intensity of the high lasts about 2 hours and some change. We eat at a cuban grill and the food was great. When your senses are pegged in the red zone, everything tastes better it seems. It was extremely hard to sit still after this. I felt like I had take a hit of speed. All you want to do is go go go. No doubt I will repeat this again and work towards a solo drop. I highly recommend this if you are even slightly thinking about this. Most fun I have had in along time....