-Kb swings 16kgx50 per arm, 20kgx70 per arm
12/7 Lower
-15 mins stepmill intevals
-Mcgill planks and bird dogs 3 rounds
-Close stance squats working on breathing all the way through. Weight is not worth mentioning but many sets at 8 reps per sets
-Reverse hypers before and after 6 sets
-Mcgill planks and bird dogs 3 rounds each
-KB snatches. 24x20 and 50 per arm. The 50 got ugly, real ugly but knocked them out
12/9 Upper
-Skipped plank and bird dogs
-Bench press tempo 5 sec down, 5 sec hold above chest 8 rounds total.
-Dumbell rolling tricep-didn't really warm up well for this and pissed off my elbows. Should have done planks and bird dogs
-Rows several sets
Recovering from moving equipment on Friday for deadlift contest. Also possible the bourbon had me slowed up. Managed activations and reverse hypers 6 sets total
Also unpacked new lifting toys which took about a hour.
-Activations and stepmill for 30 mins/15 steady /15 mins intervals
12/12 Upper
-Stepmill 15 mins 2 steady climbs moving up a level every minutes
-Activations 20 mins
-McGill planks work-varied it this time and bird dogs. 3 rounds of each
-bell work presses worked up to 88lbx8x3 sets
-bell tricep work up to a heavy set of 3 then down some fore reps
-bell flyes sets of 8 with tempo 5 sec down and 5 sec pause at bottom. At end of sets did 30 max contraction. 4 rounds
-KB swings one arm 24kgx30 per arm, 28kgx60 per arm
Although I did activations daily and all my tissues are staying fairly soft and supple(yes i said supple), the snatches from Thursday smashed me well. Low back was mad in usual spot. It is possible the squats from Wednesday started it and then the sloppy finish to the 50 per arm snatches furthered the pain and probablly moving all the equipment myself Friday afternoon for the contest finished it off. I do believe I probably would be in way worse shape though without the activations but still I think my body is adjusting to them. Certainly the constant buzz from extra oxygen uptake has dissipated but also I had to reestablish the diaphragm many times as I began to rush through things like in the past. I also have to remind myself to become present and not lost in pretend conversations. I am still not getting nearly as jacked up as in the past and when I realize that I am attaching myself to things and getting really pissed, my recovery time is much better. I think it will be a constant vigilance and as long as I stay with them daily it will be a much better day. Physically, besides jacking my back up I am still in a really good place.To further understand this and how it works we picked up Anatomy Trains, the DVD series. The first DVD discusses the superficial front and back lines showing basically how it is all connected from head to toe on both sides. They use cadavers to illustrate this which makes it ever more interesting to see this in real life and aid our comprehension. I did say to the wife that I understand some why people often repeat the classes. You still have the buzz for life but it is not as intense and the not really giving any f$%ks slows some. It may also be a neural adaptation and compensation as well. Regardless, I am still chasing the rabbit down the hole with a nap here and there.