I have realized I have gone full circle--I am not training to compete or even build a specific body or anything. I just freaking love it
That being said this love, I have been training 6 days a week--I have gained like 15 pounds cause I train very hard. The workouts were similar to what I was posting so it would have been redundant BUT everytime I would go in the gym I would find a way to beat what I had previously done--hence I started growing...............
I don't want to gain so know I will alternate session emphasis with lifting and conditioning emphasis.
Been busy as hell also with my new book just released "The Saga of the Tijuana Barbell Club"
Starting Tues
Dynamic Warm-up
Sprints go 15 seconds very fast on treadmill for full incline, wait til heart rate drops to 120 repeat (10 minutes) made last one little faster did not make 15 sec
Rope Climb Machine 15 sec on 15 sec off 3 min
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Boxing Line Drills
Lateral Lunge 2 x8
Single Leg Curl 2 x 6
T Bar Prison Row-5,5,5,5
One Arm Barbell Shrug-12,10,8
Lat Pulldown Unilateral-12,12,12,12
Straight Arm Pulldown-50,40,30,20
Weird Row Machine Cluster set 6 min
Front Neck Bridge