I haven't started a new 5/3/1 progression, yet. I just did a simple progression today (one with very little thinking and even easier to load). I felt really good.
- SSB Box Squat: 205x5/225x5/245x5
- FSL 2 Minute Set: 205x17
- Push-ups: 60 total
- KB Row: 80 Total
I did a few sets of Push-ups and Rows with my main work. Then I did the FSL work. My plan was to do a 3 minute set. Around 90 seconds I started huffing and puffing, started getting light-headed, then I got paranoid my heart was going to explode so I cut it at 2 minutes. I'll shoot to add 10-15 seconds next time I try this and get myself back into shape so that a 3 minute set is the norm. Still, an awesome workout.
Once I stopped hyperventilating I set a 10 minute timer and did Push-ups and KB Rows. I forgot how many reps I did with my main work. I just kept track of my total reps done.
After that I did some biceps/triceps.
Very happy with today's work.
I walked on Monday and Wednesday for about 30 minutes. No vest. Trying to let my back heal up. Today (Thursday) I'm going to walk again and play around with some shoulder/back rehab stuff. Someone is coming in tomorrow to train with Tony, Alex and I so I'm putting today's plan off until tomorrow.