I have not focused solely on training for hypertrophy for over 30 years. Even then, I wasn't sure what the hell I was doing. Those were the dark days before plentiful information was available on the web. I was just a kid trying to interpret what I could from a bodybuilding magazine.
Fast forward to now. Being a broken-ass powerlifter something has to give. Every once in a while I reenter the fold only for my body to let me down.
Enter hypertrophy training. Occasionally I have entertained doing a bodybuilding show, but once I really start looking into the competitions, different divisions, posing trunks, tanning, posing, etc I lose interest quickly. When that interest disappears, so does the hypertrophy training.
What I have started to realize is that I can train for hypertrophy without doing a bodybuilding show. For real, I'm not lying. People do this.
Anyway, I am now doing deep dives into training for the sole purpose of building muscle. I'm trying to cobble together a program of exercises I both like and tolerate while figuring out what my volume and splits should be.
Much like my powerlifting career, I like to do my own programming. Luckily information is pretty easy to come by and I have access to many people who can help. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, I can write an article about my shiny new hypertrophy program. Stay tuned.