- High school athlete who played football and is now a starter on the basketball team
- Athlete has one year of lifting experience
- Most basketball games are on Tuesday and Friday nights
- Weight room has various specialty bars but no reverse hypers or GHRs
- bands are available but no chains
- Lifting will be done the day after games - the athlete may be fatigued from the games, but training will not interfere with the next game's performance this way. This will help auto-regulate the training. Basketball is the priority right now.
- The team is 8 weeks away from playoff time
- Athlete is approximately a 300lb squatter (with parallel box) and 225 bencher
1. Banded hip mobility
2. roll out psoas,TFL, upper glutes and IT bands
3. Seated Hip Abduction x 80 total
4. groiners - 80 total
5. Speed squat w/ Rackable Cambered bar vs light bands - 4x3 w/ a plate
6. Work up to a heavy set of 3 with bands still on after speed sets - top set should feel like a 9 out of 10. Basically a 3rm, but DO NOT fail. Should take about 4-5 sets to get there. We have a weak opponent this week and the kid is feeling pretty good so we can push. The 9 out of 10 is not set in stone. Opportunity is there so let's take it.
7. Pistol Squat to bench - 3x8 - bwt - hold 10lb plate
8. Back Extension - 3x15- add 25lb plate
9. abs with weight - 100 total
10. chin up - 3x 8 - whatever makes 8 reps hard to achieve. Add weight, less band help etc.
11. banded hip mobility
1. Banded shoulder traction - 30 reps/ position
2. roll out pecs, ant. delts and lats
3. banded upright row - 3x20 - light, pull band apart at top
4. speed bench vs. micro minis - 4x3 @95lbs
5. DB incline bench - 3 x fail - hit failure around 8-10 reps
6. Chest supported DB row - 4x10
7. Chest supported Y raise - 4x 20
8. Bis and Tris superset - 4 minutes
9. banded overhead side bend - 4x20
10. banded shoulder traction
All accessory movements should be controlled, no momentum with a 4-second negative.