It's funny that my training right now is so exciting and fun that I can't wait to get to the gym. At the same time, my training makes for really boring reading because nothing eventful is happening outside of consistent and steady progress from workout to workout, week in and week out.
When I say "uneventful" what I mean is there is very little to entertain you with. I have no stories of upper GI bleeding, food getting stuck in my throat, debilitating cramps to the point that I can't walk downstairs, monster Skiploads that make everyone envious, etc.. I go into the gym, pound and grind and then I fucking leave. Not exactly easy to come up with something awesome to write about.
Wait, I did get new compression tights from EliteFTS.
Nope, not exciting.
I also got a new belt because the one I had was too big and I needed it to be tighter.
Still not exciting.
Matching wrist wraps that I am looking forward to using because they lock down and unlock so fast?
And ... nope.
But every single week for the last 11 (of 12 weeks) I have increased in weights or reps until this current week (my last heavy week before a cruise next week) I am at my strongest and moving weights that I haven't moved since right around 2010 or so. These leg poundages I haven't moved since before my chronic lower back issues started and that was after 2010. However, I can explain how exciting it is and while typing, I know full well that it doesn't sound exciting to the reader, at all. Maybe if I was just a better writer ... Hmmm...
I am finishing this week by putting up as big of numbers as I can and keep in mind that this is still considered a fat-loss phase right now for another week. Any increase in strength right now is secondary to getting leaner so I can only imagine the possibilities in strength for the next phase that starts in 2 weeks.
I have purposely not posted a lot of pictures or video because I wanted to document my 12-week phase in 4-week increments with pictures. I will post the progression of pictures in my Coach Log not this coming weekend but the following weekend (2 weeks). I will also be doing another DEXA scan to contrast against the one done at only 4 weeks into the 12-week phase.
The SCGS compound will also start in the next phase, as well. I have not used it, at all, during this first phase.
Though I will be pushing my body weight up, I am going to push it up slowly and controlled so that condition and body fat remain good the entire time. My body REALLY wants to grow so I am really looking forward to this next phase.
On a different note, this will be the first year that we will not have all of the kids with us for Christmas. It is going to be quite a bit different but also cool in that we plan on being at the beach on Christmas, too.