Sunday 8/25/24
1 hr beach walk
Rehab Work 3 sessions throughout the day :
Foam roll (Defranco Agile 8'ish)
Banded clamshells
GHR hip raise
Yoga Nidra 10 minutes
Cold shower 3 minutes/hot tub 30 minutes
Sundays are full rest days or Self-Care Sundays as I have dubbed them. I might take a walk, a mild hike, paddle, etc. but nothing to purposefully bring up my heart rate. It's also when I do concerted hot and cold exposure. I'll do at least one breathing/meditation session along with multiple foam rolls. I get pretty weird this day. I'll play spa music and light candles. It's all about getting into the parasympathetic nervous system as much as possible.
I think I was overdoing the scap raises as my upper back was getting annoyed so I passed on those. It could be my neck, it could ribs. Not sure, but I'll get to the bottom of it eventually. I have the time.