I'm making a switch to a 4 Week Cycle.  This is something I use with my athletes.  It's basically the original 5/3/1 cycle with the deload week before the heaviest week.  It'll look like this:

  1. 75%
  2. 80%
  3. 70%
  4. 85%

Week 4 I'll do a true PR Set and then readjust my Training Max for the next cycle.  For me, I'll probably just add 5-10lbs and keep going like I usually do.  With my athletes I'm toying with the idea of adjusting the Training Max based on how they perform each cycle.  I generally don't like this idea, but I may experiment and see what I get from it.

Monday - Squat

  • SSB Box Squat: 205x5/225x5/245x10
  • Metabolic Circuit
  • FBB Incline (2): 95/105/115/125/105x10
  • Pull-ups: 5x5
  • SSB Good Mornings: 3x10
  • McGill Sit-ups: 2x20

Wednesday - Bench

  • FBB Bench: 135x5/150x5/165x8
  • Metabolic Circuit
  • BBB: 5x10@135
  • Pull-ups: 5x5
  • BB Shrugs: 5x15
  • McGill Sit-up Holds: 5x10 seconds

Friday - Deadlift (At Wendler's)

  • Trap Bar: 240x5/260x5/280x10
  • Hypertrophy Circuit
  • FBB Press: 3x10
  • KB Row/Fat Mans: 3x5/3x10
  • Back Extension: 3x10

This was a good week of training.  I took my SSB  and Trap Bar numbers down a little bit.  I'm enjoying Squatting and Deadlifting in the same week and I don't want to jack myself up.  If I take the Training Maxes down I think I can keep it up without causing myself pain or injury.  Truthfully, I forget how I calculated my numbers.  I think I used a previous PR Set and then took 85% of that?  I really don't remember.  And, it really doesn't matter.