So i leave off with dad still alive after the big one, a meeting just being completed, and life turned upside down for the past 2 years.
In looking back this is where my hobby of powerlifting stopped, it wasn't fun for me anymore. So much turmoil surrounded it from a couple different things that the thought of being around it or anything just stressed me out. I had lost my passion to compete with myself. And to be clear, which I always have been, I competed for myself and against myself. I never cared about competition or anyone else on the platform. I never even knew what my total was till the end nor did I even know if I had won or not. For me, it was about doing my best, that what it. If my best was good enough for a win great. If not, I still did my best so who cares. And if i so happened to win a comp and didn't do my best I was not satisfied and usually really pissed off because of it. I competed against me; no one else mattered.
I got promoted at work to director soon after the comp was done. I spent my days taking care of most all the teams at a DI Level till I was able to find an assistant 6 months later. That was most of my time during the week, during the day. Other the rest of the time was spent working out schedules with my ex and our son, taking care of him which is wonderful, and trying to keep it all together. What I call LIFE!...cont
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