Back in May of this year I hurt my tires minor in my rotator cuff and have been trying my best to train through whilst rehabbing it. This wouldn't be that big of a problem if I wasn't trying to get ready for a meet because my exercise selection would be much broader and I could get away with not bench for awhile. I knew I had to work through this and I knew by doing so it would take longer to fix because it takes a little trial and error to troubleshoot the problem. This means training had to be adjusted and for me that meant not a lot of work with a full range bench press and not a lot of heavy reps. Because of these limitations I knew the following would happen I would lose stability with heavy weight and I would lose strength off my chest which is a strength for me. So I dedicated as much time as possible to building those things up separately with exercises that didn't cause pain but still targeted the muscle directly. Once you know the limitations of the exercises and what that may cause long-term you can plan it out accordingly as to build the best you can or not create more of a deficit. To me that is the basis of training around an injury, identify the injury, find exercises that don't hurt it. Within those exercises know where the limitations will be and try to isolate the things that will get neglected with exercises that don't cause pain.
Deadlifts- 595lbs for 2 sets of 3 reps
Stiff Leg Deads- 485lbs for 3 sets of 3 reps
Cable Rows- 3x10
GHR- 3x10
Cable Crunches- 3x15
Squats- 505lbs for 3 sets of 3 reps
SSB GM's- 385lbs x3, 307lbs x3
Chest Supported Rows- 90lbs x8, 120lbs x8, 130lbs x8
Mag Grip Lat Pulls- 3x8-10
Ab Wheel- 3x12
Weight Releaser Pause BP- 50lbs of weight releasers- 355lbs x1, 385lbs x1, 405lbs x1
Football Bar BP- 315lbs x5, 355lbs x5, 375lbs x5
DB BP- 105lbs x10, 115lbs x10, 125lbs x10
JM Press- 135lbs x10, 165lbs x10, 185lbs x8
Lat Pulls- 150lbs x10, 180lbs x10, 210lbs x8
Face Pulls- 2x15