With the start of football season my training has been a bit off. Couple that with my pinched nerve because of a muscle spasm in my back and life's kicking me in the junk. But, I've been pretty good about staying on top of things.
- Press: 5x5@105
- DB RDL: 5x10 w/70's
- Press FSL: 5x5 w/bar
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
Oddly enough, I tried to bench and incline and it killed my back. For some reason pressing didn't bother me as much. I used the Squat bar and it didn't aggravate my shoulder, either.
Wednesday I got in a campus walk with the 25lb weight vest. Thursday was our first game and I just didn't get a chance to train. Friday I went up to Wendler's after work. Saturday we thought about training, but that's as far as we got.
- Trap Bar: 160x5/210x5/250x5/5x5@300 PR!
- Dips: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
I was supposed to work up to 275, but decided to go for a time PR. I opted for 25 total reps in as little time as possible. Got 25 in 7m 43s. I was pretty happy with this.
After that we went for a long walk which included 10 sets of stadium stairs at 40 steps a pop. The total walk time was 66 minutes.
Monday I did another campus walk. I walked around the outside of the campus and it took 40 minutes or so.
- FBB Bench: 185x5/205x5/225x12
- DB RDL: 5x10 w/70's
- FBB FSL: 5x10@185
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
I took another weight vest walk in the rain. For whatever reason, it seemed like a good idea.
Wednesday I rode the bike for 30 minutes.
- SSB Box Squat: 185x5/205x5/4x5@230
- Dips: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x10 w/70
Friday and Saturday (on the road) I went for 2 30 minute walks. Sunday I rode the bike for 30 minutes.
I know I haven't done a good job of keeping this updated.
I'm thinking about staying out of the weight room this week to try and let my back relax. Nothing I'm doing seems to be working. I'll see how I feel tomorrow and make a decision then, but I'm leaning towards this week off. I stick to walking and the bike and hopefully that helps.
It's getting frustrating. I'm not sleeping well because my back/shoulder are acting up when I lay down. So add sleep deprivation to the joys of a pinched nerve.
The smart move would be to rest. It's what I would recommend to anyone that asked me.