I apologize for my lack of updates, I have been extremely busy with some projects but I will start from Tuesday on--everything until that point was spot on
Jump Rope
Pull ups various Grips 16 sets of 3, did a couple sets of 5 in there really focusing on stretch and ROM--could do a lot if I "repped" out but all I care about is range of motion as these feel better I will start doing them in a time under tension style
Swings-20x12, 60x10, 105x6, 150x6,195x6,245x5,300x5
Here is a video of the 300
Ladder Drills, jump rope, Dips (did a deck of pain) time under tension style each card in the deck did dips (every time I flip a card I would do dips for that much time) took 26:40, emphasized ROM...........huge pump
Thursday this AM Juarez Valley 40 Prison Squats, swings 120 x 10 x10
Pretty excited that sounds like a professional boxing trainer is working down the road from me and is going to come over and work with me on my boxing..............that will start at the end of next week
Here is a video of Branch Warren doing deadlift work with my voice over [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2B120mCj-w]