Trained through the holidays, actually worked out Christmas morning but did no other work............otherwise grinding


Here is this week

Monday (Boxing Coach couldn't train)

So did a late night sparring session with a friend of mine, elbow was sore on sunday I stretched that sucker so hard I think gained a couple degrees so I had to mainly use my right hand


face down wide grip barbell front raises--15 x 5 sets

lat pulldowns 4 sets of 10

band pull aparts 10 sets of 10

dumbbell fly-4 sets of 8

triceps pushdowns-3 sets of 50

4 sets of neck work



Boxing Line Drills, Jump Rope

Swings 10 sets of 10 with 165 pounds--finished 7:13

BW Lunges 3 sets 1 minute

Heavy Neck Work


Checkout Big Julius Benching 560 x 6 Paused


Here s Jeremy Hoornstra doing some accessory work

Finally for you boxing hands here is a tutorial on the looping right hand