Have had good training sessions been very busy with some projects nonetheless while eating has suffered training and most importantly family life have not!
Here was yesterdays training (had to do in garage because of time restraints)
Dips 5 sets of 5 (worked up 170) Held each rep at bottom for a couple seconds to really work that elbow ROM
Belt Squats--12,12,12
Seal Rows Supersetted with dips-6,6,6,6,6
Lateral raise--bent over fly superset-12/12 times three sets
Great session
Here are some cool videos
My long time client Masters Lifter Richard Ficca hitting a huge pr of 617 Raw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Sbmdmgu14 (this was a "training" meet some huge things to come)
Here are a couple interviews with some clients that came to lift in our meet over here from Australia and Finland
Topics range from training to how to get more meals in when working as bouncer and as a private security officer in the diamond minds in East Africa--lol