Had a great seminar this weekend with Dr. Fred Hatfield at CJ Murphy's TPS in Everett, Mass!  This one of the best gyms I have ever seen bar none--if you aren't training at TPS and live in the Boston area you are missing out

Also, anyone in the Philly area I will be speaking Saturday the 25th at the Drexel University Sports & Exercise Clinic..........anyone need info tag me in the Q & A or email me. All my training has been awesome, I will post updating from yesterday--had to train at my house because of time constraints --Wheelbarrow 8 trips up and down driveway -static holds 2 sets 20 seconds

shrugs--3 sets of 12

Bent Over Rows 5 sets of 5

Occlusion Arm training

Not ideal but its business before pleasure, will do a better job of updating

Fastest I have ever seen 635 move, he's ready!!