This Friday, last big workout did a feeder recovery session on Saturday
Sled Drags Backwards max distance in 45 seconds--supersetted with standing one leg curl 3 sets (felt like a machine)
Keg Carry 40 seconds straight, superset nautilus pull over x 12 (2 times)
Lateral Raise Cluster set (5 reps, rest 15 seconds for 5 minutes) way easier than expected
Cable Fly--3 sets 15
Landmines 3 sets of 6
Some cool video
Here is my client Rene Gargantra, hitting a 507 Raw on bench press at 47, dropped to 242 and still hit a life time best very cool
Here is another client hitting a PR deadlift of 665, Greg Robins he is actually one of the best coaches in the country, very cool and proud of these guys
A video posted by Jailhouse Strong (@jailhousestrong) on