Excellent start to 2017! Here are my last two training Sessions
Step-ups On a high Step (these are a weakness, I am behemoth on a lower step) 6 sets of 10 reps
Split Stance RDL-3 sets of 3
Boxing Line Drills
One Arm Barbell Shrugs--12,12,12,6,6,3
Chest Supported Row 10 sets of 10 superset with neck (If I had a lifting partner I would do a different scheme as these are extremely effective! The start is awkward, so heavy sets of 5 with a full recovery too much effort is wasted at the start)
Lat Pulldowns on knees one cable each hand--8 reps rest 20 seconds repeat 5 minutes
Line Drills, strength is up, strength endurance very good................
When, who, why,what & how to deload
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