All training last week finished strong and had a great seminar in Philly. I apologize for my lack of updates besides the travelling seminar I have been getting ready for a meet I am hosting next weekend.
Anyways here is what we have this week, some great sessions
Squats--singles x 4 (felt good all around, weight is not light on back because my BW is so low relative BUT, the actual squatting feels like a loaded piston)
Wheel Barrow 4 trips 20 yards, figure out a way to add more weight this felt frighteningly easy--literally felt invincible!!
GHR 10 sets 3 very explosive
T bar chest supported rows--6,6,6,3,20 went the heaviest I ever have felt great
50 yard tempo runs x 25 sets (run 1 every 45 sec)
Occlusion Arm Training--superset dbell biceps curls, tricep pushdowns 8 minutes
cable Incline fly 6,6,12,15
Sled Fly 2 sets 20 yards
Lying down front raises 12,12,8,6,20
Neck Work
Hit the heavy bad
Have felt very string lately!!