
Ran up a 145 yard steep hill (heart rate way up) walk down, repeat for 20 minutes

Weds all exercises 8 sets with a 30 sec break (if otherwise noted)

Bulgarian Split Squats

Neutral Grip Plate Loaded Row

Incline Dumbbell Fly

Sled Drags 30 sec on 30 off x 8 set

1 and 1/4 bell trips ext

Lat Pulldowns

straight arm pulldowns


Boxing coach came over to work with my kids, we did mitts 45 minutes, my conditioning felt GREAT


Heavy Wheel Barrow 15 yards (my training partner goes, I go) other person is the rest

Box Jump--Straight Arm Pulldown superset (1 box jump, 10 straight arm pulldowns) x 8 sets


Elitefts Row (wide grip pronated)

Lateral raise (10 reps)


I am having more fun then I have had in over a decade training!!!!!!