Farmers Walk 20 feet up 20 feet back iNcreased weight
Heavy Swing x 3
Goal was 10 times in 15 minutes, made in 1438, very hard
Dips BW x max reps
Belt squats x 48 total rep, with towel pull ups (goal was 12:00, made in 11:00) Increased weight
Dips BW x max reps
Sandbag Cleans 3 x 3
This workout was brutal!
Tuesday hour of Muay Thai Private lesson,very tough!
Weds Cluster sets 6 reps, rest 15 minutes repeat 5 minutes
Exception was starting off 4 lunges x trap bar jump x walk 15 repeat for 5 minutes
Overhead Rope Ext
Hammer strength Rows
Pec Deck
Leg Curls
Hip Adduction
Thursday Hour Muay Thai
Friday Today
This was a combined workout because of a last minute family member getting surgery in Cali so did 45 seconds straight of different kicks,knees followed by yoke or farmers walk and then some upper body pump work
Hard long session but felt really good