Had surgery on Weds of last week , started rehab and leg training the next day. The surgery seems like a success, elbow flexion (the primary issue is the best it has been since 2006 and improving rapidly.)
For 6 weeks we are just focusing on ROM--in the mean time I will be hammering my legs multiple times a week. The therapists at this point are emphatic no squatting or even safety squatting.
I will start this from monday
-Sled Drags 20 seconds on 40 off x 10 sets
-belt squats 4 sets of 6 (good deep and powerful)
-one armed swings 6 sets of 6 (Workouts are very abbreviated because of long therapy sessions)
-sled drag 20 seconds on 10 second off (same weight as monday, this was tough)
-one leg curl (100 reps each leg, go to failure, rest 10 seconds, do this til 100 reps)
-swings 10 sets of 10 (was going to do belt squats but the people who were using it are major socializers, these workouts are brief and purpose driven so just improvised rather than be drug into their personal hell)