Singles in Safety Squat Bar—went up a little heavier felt really good
Swings 6 x 5 (heavier)
Cluster leg curl (5 minutes) 3 reps rest 20 sec—this was brutal
Sled—8 sets 20 seconds on, 10 off, went 25 pounds heavier (brutal)

Dang good workout!

BW Squats many reps as possible in 30 seconds, stretch elbow 30 seconds (did this for 30 minutes) this was brutal
Singles in Safety Squat Bar—same as Friday pretty beat from Sunday felt good
Cluster leg ext(5 minutes) 8 reps rest 15 sec—this was brutal

Short one because of really long rehab session, rehab is going excellent!!

Checkout this trailer from the new Jailhouse Strong Interval Training book that will be released shortly