I was really in the zone, I can feel the muscles I am work before hand......literally sitting at my desk I have rekindled that connection where I literally feel the muscle I will work
BW Fly--do 6 reps, walk to the drinking fountain and back (30 yards round trip til failure) failed set 13, 8 would have been fine
Incline Cable Fly---Cluster set do 8 reps rest 30 sec, repeat for 6 minute--feels great
Cable Lateral Raise 8 reps, rest 15 sec repeat for 5 minutes
Triceps Rope Overhead (1 and 1/4 french press) 6 reps, rest 20 sec repeat 5 minutes Really good
Neck Work--Boxing line drills
Step-ups 10 sets of 6 reps (will keep this scheme til a plateau) one minute break
Split STance RDL 4 x 4
Hammer Strength Shrugs--drop set go to failure 5 drops in a row (reps range from 16 to 25)
Chest Supported Row--12 sets of 6 (walk 30 yard rest)
Lat Pulldowns with cable 8 x8 (rest 30 sec)
Neck Work/Line Drills
Saturday--James Strickland with a huge PR of 612 at 275 for a USPA American record..........James is a workhouse, I am going to do a video on what helped James, here is the lift
A video posted by Jailhouse Strong (@jailhousestrong) on