So last week finished with a band excellent week of training---all weekend I coached at various meets and people did great--way too much to write about it all.
Here is what I did yesterday
Boxing on Mitts 50 minutes this session was brutal, hardest yet. I was pressed for time and to do computer work when we finished. So I would answer three emails go in my garage and do a set of dips til failure did this for 10 sets--using BW
Jump rope and footwork drills to warm up
4 sets of heavy wheel barrow 20 yards
4 sets of 6 heavy swings
5 sets of 8 band rows
Here are a couple cool videos from the weekend
The 5 decrees of Jailhouse Strong
and my client 21 year old Peter Edgette nailing a 562 raw bench weighed in at 300, this was coming back from an injury and a meet PR--so proud of this kid, heaviest he went training is 530