I am probably the worst writer in the world when it comes to thinking of something interesting to write about. When an editor gives me direction or a topic I find it much easier to get the job done. I have been trying to come up with a topic for this week’s log post but it has been evading me. I am pretty sure no one wants to hear about what I am doing in the gym-I’m going to give you an update anyway.
I also never want to write stuff just to fill up space or meet a deadline. I prefer to give you great content that can help you, so I am going to get into some of the stuff we do with clients here at TPS this week after giving you some updates on my training and some of our athletes.
Dave tells us that you, the readers are interested in what we, the coaches here on the site do in our own training. Now without being self-depreciating, I’ll buy that for someone like Casey Williams, Clint Darden, Brandon Smitley, Yessica, Mickey or any of the new kids who seem to be pretty strong, but me?
I’m doing it anyway because it’s Dave’s site and he said to. On another note, I usually listen to classical music while I work, but for some reason I just opened ITunes and started Agnostic Front so if I sound like I am getting a little jacked up, just skip ahead a paragraph or two and I’ll be back on track. If you don’t know who Agnostic Front, go and buy a few CD’s. Do people even do that anymore?
There I go, off topic again.
OK, back on topic.
I am wrapping up the same training block as my powerlifting team, only modified a little to suit my injuries. I am also using hip pain as an RPE indicator on the squat and bench. I’ve been getting some fairly aggressive physical therapy and have been told they will be using some kind of non FDA approved laser on me this week to break up scar tissue.
I can't wait to see what that does. Hopefully I don't grow a third eye like Blinky the Fish from the Simpsons.
So this week was a test week of sorts. I worked up to doubles on the squat and bench. On Monday I hit a fairly easy 425 that moved very fast and decided to shut it down there. My hip was virtually pain free and I was happy with that number.
Today was bench day. The bench usually makes my hip feel like it is going to tear off the bone but lately has been pretty tolerable. I worked up to 255 for a double and then had to roll off the bench sideways because it felt like there was a crew of maintenance men in there with jackhammers covered in razor blades. Now 255 is not anything to be proud of or brag about, but when I look at the fact that I could not bench an empty bar without searing pain a few short months ago, I am taking it as a win.
I’ll see how the deadlift goes Friday, then it’s a deload week, then a week off.
A Cry For Help
I am taking a week off of training that will be timed to coincide with the TPS/RPS Powerlifting meet we host on October 17th and 18th.
Did I mention the meet is a fund raiser for Everett Pop Warner?
Did I mention that we need a bunch of help on the 17th and 18th? You, yes you can volunteer a few hours to spot and load and make this meet a huge success and help us raise some much needed cashola for the local Pop Warner Football organization.
Shoot me an email or send a message on the Q&A to help out. Even a few hours helps.
On the meet, TPS has a ton of lifters competing and our team of beautiful ladies will be there too. They all are having a great training cycle and I expect PR’s to be smashed by all.
We also have a crew of athletes going to NAS Nationals this week. I want to take a minute and wish all of them good luck.
Stuff we do with clients at TPS
The bulk of the clients here at TPS are here for general fitness, LBN training. LBN means look better naked. That’s the primary reason most people come in for training whether they know it or not.
We run them through a program with a solid base of barbell training centered on the Squat, Press and Deadlift. We also choose a few awesome assistance exercises and then we do some form of metabolic conditioning.
That is the focus of where we are going today.
At the end of a training session it is a good idea to do this as many clients simply will not train on their own due to scheduling or some other reason. Since we need to address all aspects of their fitness in just a few hours a week, met con does the trick.
I’m going to give you two sample templates we are using in this training block.
Met Con Block 1
Do this as a circuit 3 times through as fast as possible without getting sloppy. All of the reps should be fast and as technically perfect as you are capable. Rest long enough between each cycle to chalk your hands and no more. So, maybe 10 seconds.
Choose a kettlebell that is a challenge for you on the Windmill and this is the limiting exercise here. Use the same bell for the entire circuit and do not let it touch the ground between exercises.
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift-6 reps per leg (12 total)
Turkish Get Up-1 per side
1 Arm Kettlebell Swing-12 reps per arm
Windmill- 6 reps per arm (12 total)
This may sound easy but it is not. If you choose the correct weight it will be a butt kicker. Not only will it give your cardio-respiratory system a challenge, it will build strength and improve mobility and stability in your shoulders and hips.
Met Con Block 2
Don’t do this the same day!
This one is simple to set up and hard to do. You’ll need the single best conditioning tool ever invented (besides your own body), the Prowler and two bumper plates.
The thick style are better than the thin competition ones. If you don’t have access to either, just use steel plates.
Set your Prowler up with a weight that is a challenge to SPRINT with for 100 feet and get a pair of bumper plates and set them up at the other end of the 100 foot mark. Men use 45 pound bumpers, ladies use 25’s.
Once you are set up simply sprint with the Prowler for 100 feet, then grab the plates and pinch grip them and do a Farmers Walk for 100 feet.
Rest 60 seconds, and repeat 10 times.
Lie on the floor and try not to die.
Time Efficient.
That’s all for this week.
Remember, I love comments and questions and share this on your social media.
Oh and one more thing, go and get some Agnostic Front now.
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Everett, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSEverett
Vincere vel mori