- SSB Box Squat: 230/260x3/290x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- FSL: 5x5@245
- FBB Press: 5x10 (bar)
- KB Row: 5x10
- FBB Bench: 95/115x5/135x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@95
- T-Bar: 5x10
- BB Shrugs: 5x10
- Trap Bar: 235/270x3/305x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FSL: 5x5@235
- FBB Incline (2): 5x10
- BB Curl: 5x10
Neck and Trap work done after each workout.
This was a pretty good week. My plan of not moving on to the next cycle until I get 10 reps is working well. I have had some success for the most part, but it causes me to focus and pay attention with my final set.
I'm still struggling with a good pace when there are other people in the weight room. I train the best by myself. Athletes ask questions and interrupt and it's my job is to help them so I struggle ignoring them. None the less, I'm still training and it's going pretty well. Life will sometimes get the better of you, but never stop training.