New, possibly stupid experiment. Week 1 - solid. I feel really good. We'll see if I can hold it together.
Monday - Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 225x5/245x5/265x10
- Metabolic Circuit
- FBB Press: 65x10/75x10/3x10@85
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Hammer Row: 5x10
You guessed it... Traps and arms.
Wednesday - Bench
- FBB Bench: 115x5/135x5/150x11
- Circuit 1
- FBB FSL: 5x5@115 (paused)
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Circuit 2
- Pushups: 3x10
- Fat Mans: 3x10
Yup... Traps and arms.
Friday - Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 230x5/255x5/280x10 (dead stop/3 second hold at top)
- Metabolic Circuit
- FBB Incline (1): 95x10/115x10/3x10@135 (first time I've been able to do 135 for 3x10)
- Hammer ROw: 5x10
- Kirk Rows: 5x10
Friday was the first time I've "trained" in a while. From stretch/warm-up to my last set took me 45 minutes. This is how they all need to be.
I shut it down because things went so well.
As I mentioned earlier, things went well this week and I feel good.