1. Self scraping and cupping on surgery shoulder w/ dmso Roll out lats, Banded shoulder traction
2. Band pull apart a and band push downs 3x fail
3. Floor press vs 2 chain- up to 95 and 2 chain/ side 3x lose shoulder position/ anterior shoulder pain
4. DB bench 4x20 - 75 right arm, 40 left arm
5. DB lateral raise 4x fail 6. DB chest supported pause row- 5x fail
6. Traction Cambered bar shrug (stand in camber) - 2 x 2 minutes- 5 reps, deadhang for 10 seconds, repeat for 2 minutes
7. Upper body rev hyper(video)- 4x 50- set took 1 minute
8. DB skull crusher 5x fail- slow eccentric
9. Hammer curls slow eccentric- 3x fail
10. Banded shoulder traction
1. RPR/ tempering
2. Rev hyper - 2x 30
3. Yoke bar bs average and light bands- up to 4 plates- weights felt light, got a little tweak in the low back so cut it.
4. Close stance good morning on squat set up- 3x3, slow eccentrics
5. Rev hyper w neck harness- 4x30
6. FLAT FOOT GHR- 4x fail
7. Sit ups w adduction(video) 4x 20
8. Band assisted pull ups 4x fatigue
1. Scraping and cupping w DMSO 2. Pull aparts x 100
3. Ext rotation stretched and banded shoulder traction -shoulder still felt like poop soooo
4. Tsunami bar presses- 5xfatigue
5. DB bench- 3x fail
6. RG Pushdown/ close grip push down super set- 6 rounds
7. Upper body reverse hyper with 10lbs- 3x20
8. Chest supported DB row w micro on wrists - 6x fail
1. RPR/ tempering
2. Banded hip mobility
3. Rev hyper- 2x 30
4. Speed squat 6x2@ 3.5 plates vs 2 chain
5. Snatch grip speed pull- 8x2 @ 3 plates
6. Rev hyper 4x30 superset-> crunch over foam roller x fail
7. Seated fat bar row- iso hold on stomach and slow ecc 5x fail SUPERSET-> seated banded leg curl x fail
8. Bent seesaw- 4 x fail ( can’t hold good position)