Rare is the day that I get to actually TRAIN with my lovely bride. This her back and we didn't even train it today. Since it was raining (much needed and still not enough) through the night and was the sound that lulls many to sleep, I let April "sleep in" and get much needed rest. She in turn came to the gym an hour and a half later when my EARLY morning rush slows enough to get my own training in.
When using the EliteFTS mono lift the height discrepancy is put to rest with the ease of changing it with the hydraulics.
Since she is Godzilla Strong and I am focused on my speed off the box during our Dynamic Squats, configured the bar so that she could use the Mastodon Bar (which I consider a HEAVY 45 lbs bar) for 185 pounds on the inside and then I added another set of 45's over it to squat at 275.
After 8 sets of 2 reps with a momentary PAUSE on the box, we moved over to the
Doing 3 sets of 5 reps and TWO more at 30 reps
Heavy Reverse Hypers and some Kettle bell swings later to the tune of 3 sets of 12 using 44 lbs or 20 Kilos will do it for us today.
The rain is nice, but we need so much more that I would welcome the voice of God himself telling me to get busy building a boat, and start collecting animals 2 by 2.