4 /18
Light activations with plank work, ab walk outs 4 rounds of each.
Kb get up 36lb 5 per side non stop
Kb 88lb 10x10
Activations with bird dogs, side planks
Reverse hypers 3x12
Bell presses 5 sets moving up each set. 20 reps, 30 reps, 40 , 50 and 60.
Bell tea cup press 12 ish reps followed by rolling triceps with them 5 rounds
Bells with mini band for static work lying on incline bench face down 5 rounds
Extreme wide pull downs 8x10
Bell rows 106 for 6x10 per arm
45 mins sled drag
Activations with plankesteins and curl ups
Lots of reverse hypers
Deadlifts worked up to 405 for a couple of singles
Kb sumo swings doubles with 53lbs 10x10
So a few times a year I am sorta required to go to the ma in law's house for various dinners-Easter , Advent, etc. Way in the past, I just refused to go and a few years back I relented on my hostilities about these things. Mostly they made me uncomfortable with anxiety so I acted like a dick and refused to go. I have since just rolled with the flow and showed up. Her Mother is a good person just a tad bit self centered and highly dramatic when presenting her cases(which is often when the audience is around). A example is her diabetes. It is very light to moderate in nature and often just requires taking a pill and not being absurd with the eating-basic management. My father has it worse then her along with other self imposed aches and pains along with pure dam blamed hard headedness. But I hardly hear from him or my mother who has her share of health issues. I have to call them and ask them specifically how their health is or they won't tell me. Well getting back to the Ma in Law, you would think God himself had cursed her with this suffering and plight. She is a good person, just the poor pitiful what about me thing gets alittle old. I told the wife the other day when she was talking about it that remember what has been said. We start out as children and often end up the as children in our behaviors.
But all that went pretty well. She had a couple moments and thought the wife didn't hear her say a couple things. The wife really misses nothing. I call her my main memory as my own is a turd of sinking ships and almost nothing can be recalled or 'membered up there.
Anyhow, the wife gets a Mama Fuco cake which is layers of greatness. We should have left it in the fridge will we left for Ma in Law's but she did not. The cake is wrapped good-real good. We enjoy a very old person dinner as most of the party is above the 70 mark. The food is good , just not mac and cheese good-ham, asparagus, potato salad, broccoli-almost too healthy. But back to the cake, after dinner I was ready for dessert and went in get some. For some reason after cut the first slice, I wanted to be the nice guy and offered to bring everyone a piece. Well everyone accepted. Remember old people and women want small slices(except the wife, we are both dessert dicks) I cut the wife's out first and it was decent size. All was good and the first one came out fine. I then went to get the next slice to keep the cuts even from the center and the cake all started mushing down. Shitttt.. don't fall off the serving plate.... I backed off the cut but it was too late so I had to go wide on the cut to save it and slow the mud slide. This one would be mine. I made it to the plate with it but not without icing and candy pieces on the floor and counter and plate. Luckily no one came in but all even cuts from the center were done for the day. Touching the cake was a risky adventure at this point. Cutting to the right became the only choice. I managed one more slice that actually looked like a slice. The rest were parts, pieces and what looked like some Jackson Pollck work. The floor and counter also looking like this painting. I cleaned up as much as I could while preparing the mounds of broken cake and whipped icing. I felt like a small kid who was afraid to get caught after making a big mess except a 48 year old with cake everywhere wielding a cutting implement. I did not get caught but served the mud mounds of cake to the elderly crowd. By then it was sweet tooth time and they really didn't give a shit. No GD cake was left on their plates. I think maybe I caught some is that all the GD cake you're giving me look! But as you know, the elderly don't make a bead for a second round of cake..That would be...just rude..