Well, the plan was to have a big bench day. I'd love to have taken 540-570 off of a 2-3 board on the bench press but it was just one of those days where it absolutely was not there. My hamstring would not allow me to get any kind of balance on the bench. Every time I unracked the barbell, everything felt directly on my shoulders, elbows, and pec tendons. Not once could I ever get the bar to get SET into a position that didn't hurt insanely before ever moving the bar downwards.
So I just stopped.
Finished up with some bamboo bench press and a couple of slices of pizza. Truth is...I'M WORN OUT! Too many people have been trying to get me to do to many things and every time I say "I can't" they get really pissed off with me. It was about this time that I knew it was time for me to leave The USA and get back into my own home in Cyprus again. I'm exhausted and about to run into trouble.
Watch the video and you will see that Brian and I did have a lot of fun meeting new people and refreshing old friendships. Dakota came in to train for the day and his first day in a slingshot he benched well over 500 lbs AND THEN benched 600 lbs in a shirt! Don't remember Dakota?
A few years ago I was at The Mall here in Cyprus and a couple of guys recognized me as I was leaving and they were at the ATM machine. Turns out they were with The USA Navy and were stationed in Cyprus for a few days...so we trained non-stop!