Well this last month has been a whirlwind of activity. And between finding my groove with the life changes, the travel, and frequent training I wasn’t able to keep up on documenting it. I have been training 6 days a week in fairly high volume and moderate intensity work. I have begun ramping up the squatting weights some but still relatively light on them and bench press and I simply have not deadlift for a long time.
The month started with a trip to British Columbia with Amit Sapir hitting the raw squat World Record again. Then I went to North Carolina for a seminar, Maui for vacation, Big Island for a seminar and also did some peaking at a local college at a sports performance summit. My 20 year reunion was also mixed into the schedule along with a trip down memory lane visiting some of the places I grew up in.
Starting this week I’ll be back on track with documenting all my training in a weekly compilation. In the interim enjoy these pictures and training snippets from the last month.
This one is was taken the day following my 20 year reunion. This is one of the homes I grew up in when we were not living in tents or in a 16ft trailer down by the river. No plumbing or electricity.
While in Maui I did a seminar but primarily it was a family vacation. After a day snorkeling (not me i'm a sinker) I took my son 4 wheeling.
This one is from a combination Olympic Lifting, Powerlifting and DMS (Duffin Movement Systems) seminar held in North Carolina
And these last two are from a speaking event at the NW Athletic Performance Summit and the the University of Portland where I covered DNS principals and their integration into the squat and other fundamental loaded movements.