I read the other day how my pal, Clint Darden does 700 reverse hyper reps per week. I'm impressed to the point of, "why didn't I think of such a great idea???" Really, think about it...your back needs work. You can only do so many good mornings, back extensions, or what evers, but a swinging sub max weight??? Fuck! Easy to add the volume.
Let's say you smoked your lower back, well FUCK...the dynamic traction and the imbibition that occurs will help restore the dang thing....soooooo....I"M freak'n IN! Although I'm only in my gym five days a week so I'll shoot for 500 hundo...(In a glorious C.J. Murphy Boston accent)
Yesterday was day ONE...One hundred done in a normal deadlift session as accessory.
Last night, SMOKE CITY! I felt like I had a good case of simple sciatica. I could barely walk to the sink to brush my teeth. (what a fucking pussy)
Today was Day 2...another hundred reps, but HOW? I can't even fathom the separation of my low back with the current level of pain that it's in.
Well, I'm committed to the goal. I jump up and begin. 1..2..3..15...20...25 "hey not too bad"
Next set...1....10....20....25 "Much better"
Sets three and four? I feel down right lethal again.
So here I am to say...Trust the Process. It'll be ok.
Today's Training:
Bench: work up to a hard 8 reps then do five total working sets of 8 at the heaviest weight
Incline DB Press: 3x10
Cable Fly: 3x10
Dips: 300 reps
Reverse Hyper: 100 reps