The truth cares not of your opinion. Distinguish between the two.
As a gauge to see how many folks use my training log for their own training, write me for specifics of today. I'll gladly fill you in.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20 min.
2 bench accessories
Sprint: 10x
Bike Commute: 30 mins. Went a different route
I Check elite fts everyday For your log
Keep it up
I’m up in Sacramento and appreciate some kick assery on the west coast.
Ryan Beck
I appreciate your tactics, training, life lessons and humor. Thank you. Any extra info about today would be awesome! Also appreciate the kick assery out here on the west cost and especially in northern CA!! Not too wordy!
Do you guys have facebook accounts? Let's communicate via the messenger for the answers to these questions and future specifics.
I do not have any social media as I feel it’s mostly junk with self absorbed look at me,’s while I waste gym time or sit at Starbucks instead of doing something worthwhile. No worries. I will still follow your training
Drop me an email at harryselkow@yahoo.com
Good on YOU for not having social media in your life. That's as cool as me not having a cell phone!