Today was a rep method day upper body for our powerlifting squad. I am amazed at everyone buying in and putting the work in. We are on track to have 10-12 lifters going to Tennessee in July. The team is finally taking shape, no more selfishness or loyalty issues. We are becoming one of the strongest teams around. And mind you my facility is an athletic performance facility. Powerlifting is however becoming slowly the sport around here.
DB pressed for reps a lot of back movements and a fun challenage at the end was on the menu. Push ups to fail was on everyone's agenda at the end of the work out and we had some guys doing upward end of 100 reps. That is after a grueling workout.
As faras for myself I hit some belt squats with light weight. Trying to do some more reps to hopefully build some more muscle these next few months while on hold for the transplant. Looking forward to the weekend to get a few things done around the gym to improve it.