We had a great group yesterday for the Memorial Day Holiday. I had a 9-10am group that we hit some lower body focus. Squats/broad jumps was the first thing we did after the warm-up. We followed with some lateral lunge/KB swing superset next. After that we hit some mid section work then finished with a 1/3 mile sprint for time. We had a few new clients sign up and join us.
During the 9-10am class I had a Purple Heart armed forces client performing the MURPH. Never have seen this in person looked tough as hell!!! He took it a step further and wore a gas mask and a weighted vest. Was bad ass to watch!!!
Right after the 9-10am class the Powerlifting Squad hit it hard. Was great to see all the crew training in a team atmosphere. Working together and not being selfish is a great thing to have here. This squad is loyal also which really helps what we want here. The main lift for the majority was speed pulls against bands. We are close to the meet July 8th. We will start hunkering down now till the meet.
I snuck in as much as I could exercise wise while they were lifting. Cleaned some as well. I had a short break between this group and a 1-1 later in the day.
The day was great to hang out with family and catch up and eat some great food. We hit both sides of the family.
Today he lifters are doing some rep work as well as some speed work upper body based. I plan on keeping a close eye on the crew next few weeks to see if I can pick up on any good/bad tendencies.