- Hurdle-unders: 10 reps
- Pull-aparts: 50 reps
- Stretching
- Added 20lb Weighted Vest
- SSB Box Squat: 10x5 (bar)
- Side Raises/Bent Raises: 5x10 each
- DB Row/Push-ups: 5x10 each
- DB Curls: 50 reps
- Band Pushdowns: 50 reps
The SSB felt good on my shoulders. No issues with the sternum. I moved the bar down one notch for Push-ups and had no issues with that, either.
Training is weird right now. I want to, but because I'm not fully cleared it's hard to find the motivation. But, I know if I just keep plugging along the spirit will compel me.
One obstacle I'm not accustomed to is that conditioning now has to be 50% of my focus. Probably more, but that's how I'm thinking of it. I have to find the same discipline I have in the weight room and apply it to my conditioning. If I get to this point I'll get myself in great shape.
It definitely helps that we have a conditioning challenge in June. Nonetheless, it was much easier to wrap my head around conditioning when I played football. Mainly because I didn't have a choice. I'll just keep working and get my head in the game.