I got in a bodyweight circuit and a conditioning day over the weekend.
Monday lift wasn't happening - job got in the way. Got it done on Tuesday.
- SSB Box Squat: 255x5/305x5/345x5/255x5
- Dips w/45lbs: 5x5
- T-Bar: 5x10
- FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/105x10
- GHR: 5x10
- GHR Sit-ups: 5x10
My back was really tight after squatting so I opted for GHR instead. Nice little change up.
Wednesday I got in a bodyweight conditioning circuit. My plan was just to bike because my back was still jacked up. In turned out differently.
- Bike: 5 minutes
- Push-ups: 10 reps
- Pull-ups: 5 reps
- RFESS: 5 reps each
- I repeated this 5 times for a nice bodyweight/conditioning workout. I actually prefer this to what I have been doing.
Thursday I got in 25 minutes n the bike. Turned out to be a little over 7 miles.