Here was the workout
Dips (1 and 1/4 reps) Meaning I go all the way down, come up a 1/4 of the way then bottom out again, really working on holding it getting a great stretch--use additional weight over my BW--nothing to brag about yet but something
10 sets of 5 reps (each 1 and 1/4 is a rep)--getting a little deeper each week and adding 5 pounds a session--should be able to do this for a couple months will if elbow keeps improving
After each set, as a staggered set did either band pull aparts or wrist roller
Followed by 4 sets of 15 band lateral raise
Overhead Band Ext--4 sets 50,40,30,20
Hit the bag for 10 minutes staying active with punches but not hitting all out yet, followed by some intermittent jump rope
Every day in every way getting a little better!
Jump Rope, heavy bag 30 minute workout, careful not to nuts yet but feel solid
Cool video of Julius Maddox hitting some bench accessory work
Will post the rest of the week later