Knee Ups: 4x12
BOSU Pull over: I can't begin to describe this carnage. I will somehow get photos to explain. But it is 3 reps of CORE destruction.
Wood Chops: 3x12x25
SEAL Flutter Kicks: 3x20
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60/40/20x35/28/18
Cable Pullover: 4x12x40
Pull Up Hell: (I did with my pal Tony) 1x25 on the monkey bar attachment 1 set of 25 reps in each of the five hand positions
DB Reverse Curl/Hammer Curl/Normal Curl as a Giant Set: 3x8x25 Don't put the weight down
Reverse Grip Tri Pushdown/Rope Pushdown/Regular Grip Tri push down as a GIANT set: 3x12x110
I was talking with a few of my training partners after there was some dialog from a few of my female participants.
They discussed, that at certain times I allow for some leeway bitch'n and breakdown of manners.
I told them, that there are times of the month that I know are the beginnings of the cycle change. That we need to be tolerant of those times and understand that this isn't their NORMAL behavior.
Then it hit me! If this change occurs monthly, about a week before "String Season" begins, then perhaps this IS the norm, and WE need to make the necessary adjustments.
Now ladies, I am not speaking anything negative here, so don't get your panties twisted. BUT...if the week leading up to, and the week OF the cycle change your personality, then for TWO out of a normal 4.3 week month, you gals have left the building with Elvis and "Patty PMS" has taken your place.
I then argued that perhaps as guys, we need TWO women so that when the abnormal...(Abby Normal as in "Young Frankenstein") shows her fangs, we can still have a somewhat normal existence with the other. Then I came to my senses after my wife hit me with a right cross and disregarded that last idea.
Truthfully, half of the time, we deal with multiple personalities in our end of the relationships. So, when you gals get back to us, could you add a back rub or two?
Fellas, learn selective hearing and exercise greater tolerance.
It ain't easy being either one.