At the time of this writing, the great men and women at EliteFTS are putting on a SPECTACULAR display of strength and teachings.
Then they will get to listen to one of my favorite speakers in the arena MR. Jim Wendler.
There is a feeling that permeates the S-4 compound when you enter the small door into the cavern of intensity. I can't quite describe it because words don't do it justice.
All I can say is that your PR goes up with the change in air. You are among GREATNESS upon entering.
So many have come so far after weekends like these. I love to read all the dialog from the Instructors to the participants as each unravel new found "secrets".
I caution those people. Often, it is the things that ARE NOT scheduled that can be THE lightning bolt that was for you!!!
While the speakers and presenters have practiced and honed their speeches and lessons, you might be out to lunch with one of the "NON" highlighted people (for that day) and hear something that was dropped from a table and BAM! THAT was your "ah-HA" moment.
I've personally gotten GOLD from such people as Bob Youngs, CJ Murphy, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo that unless I was silent and open to what they were saying, I would not be able to apply those gems to my own training and those that I am in charge of.
Sitting in comfortable chairs in a lobby of a hotel, Matt Ladewski, Brian Schwab and Swede Burns have dropped more knowledge than I can even take in. GOLD is all around you. Take as MUCH of it as you can. When you can't handle anymore, since your brain might explode, LEAVE! Go! Apply!
Have a wonderful time all. I've been there, done that, and will do it again sometime soon.
Cheers Boys and Girls!
Good Mornings:
3 RM
From the suspension straps and using the Mastodon Bar.
12" High Box Squat: 10 x 13
Using the Mastodon Bar ONLY