Over the years I've been asked "when do I stop being one of your people?" I always answer the same...NEVER!
I call this an adherence rate. I like to keep my adherence rate right up there at 100% if I can.
I believe a major contributor to the high number is that I am a TERRIBLE sales person. No, actually it might be that I'm great at sales with the one fact that I'm brutally honest with people.
I know that I can make a person stronger, fitter, better looking and smarter, but the question always goes back on the new participant..."Do they want it?" So I under sell it.
I get asked, "what can you do and what do you expect the results to be?" "Can I try it out to see if I like it?"
I turn those tables around with a simple conversation. I tell them that it's nice that they want to try ME out, but I don't do that. What we can do is have you come in and see if YOU qualify to make my training team.
Rut roh....things get quiet.
They then ask, "what does the program cost?" I reply...Nothing, you haven't made the team yet.
What I'm looking for is a person who wants to be there. Getting dirty and pushing themselves while listening to my teachings.
I NEVER mention how much they are going to add to their totals, what their 40 times will come down to, or what their physiques will look like. I do tell them that I will give them the best training that I've developed over 45 years worth of mistakes and smart moves if they listen and apply.
That's it!
Then I go about putting them through more education and training than ever expected.
I get paid to do something I love! What better position is there to be in?
However, this leads me to seeing other people who want to "Just get by". I hate that. Look, you get paid to do a job, why not do it to the best of your ability? Do your thing so well that no one can speak ill of you. Give it all you have and don't expect much in return. Doing so will reward you with much more than you can imagine.
Just do your job! Give people the best you have! Hold yourself to a higher standard and you will far exceed all those with their own expectations!
Cable Fly
Push Ups
Bike Commute